Photos credit and copyright

Most photos of Bromeliad species in AGD (Ananas Genomic DataBase) are taken and provided by the Pineapple Germplasm Repository of the Chinese Germplasm Bank for Tropical Crops or the published articles. We respect the copyright of all these data or related protection policies. lf there is anyinfringement, please contact us ( for changes, thank you.

AGD is constructed and maintained by Pineapple Team from Tropical Crops Genetic Resources Institute (TCGRI) of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture Sciences (CATAS).

How to contact us?

Dr. Aiping Luan, Ph.D

Tropical Crops Genetic Resources Institute

No. 4 Xueyuan Road, Longhua District, Haikou City, Hainan Province, 571101, the P.R.China
